In The Community
Giving Back & Philanthropy
We’re not afraid to break a sweat. We take a hands-on approach to community building through direct involvement. Our efforts include delivering meals throughout the Bay Area, creating manufacturing jobs in the Dog Patch, hosting large fashion runway fundraiser events, teaching disabled homeless youth to sew, and donating directly from our commissions to support organizations who's diverse values align with ours.
We are committed to actively supporting local charities through volunteer service, fundraising, and donations and are grateful for the crucial and caring services they provide to our communities.
• Designing A Difference
Designing A Difference (DaD) is a nonprofit start-up whose mission is to create job opportunity and employment through a Workforce Training Program targeting people with employment barriers. DaD is creating employment in the apparel manufacturing industry in San Francisco by developing an apparel manufacturer and contractor service that will employ the graduates from the training program. DaD will create employment, create stability, grow the local apparel manufacturing industry and help stop the cycle of homelessness in San Francisco! Check out our website, DaDSewingHouse.com for more details & ways to donate.
• #HashtagLunchbagSF
#HashtagLunchbagSF is a humanitarian movement dedicated to empowering and inspiring humanity to reap the benefits of giving through the use of social media. Volunteers gather to prepare and then distribute lunches to those in need throughout the entire Bay Area. #HashtagLunchbagSF is now over three years strong and has made over 20,000 meals with over 1,100 volunteers. Volunteering is fun, simple & everyone can get involved! The success and power of #HashtagLunchbagSF are based on individuals like you that donate and come out to volunteer.
• Some of the many organizations we’ve been proud to support, include:
AIDS Emergency Fund
Achievement Beyond Obstacles Scholarships
Bayview Opera House
Boys and Girls Club
Chicana Latina Foundation
Castro Community Benefit District
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Glide Memorial Church
Home for a Home
Homeownership SF
Larkin Street Youth Services
League to Save Lake Tahoe
Leukemia and Lymphona Society
National Audubon Society
Nativity of Christ Church
Meritus College Fund
Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Pancreatic Cancer Action
Pie Ranch
Planned Parenthood
Project Mana
Project Open Hand
SFAR Foundation Welcome Home
SF Parks Alliance
SF LGBT Center
SF Marin Food Bank
SF University High School
Step 2 Foundation
The Sparkle Foundation
The Victorian Alliance of SF